Finding Jesus

shame-mercyPsalm 25:14-15 “The LORD confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them.  My eyes are ever on the LORD, for only he will release my feet from the snare.”

 Set your eyes on The LORD.  That is what it means to ‘fear him.’  When we are troubled, distressed, fearful or lamenting, we look unto Jesus Christ and behold His finished work on the cross.  Through this, God will reveal to us His most precious secret – the secrets of Salvation.  By looking at Jesus, we remind ourselves of the covenant we have between us and God.

How do we see Jesus then if we are to look on Him?  People pray for a whole day but they don’t see God.  People donate to the poor and help by providing charity work for them but still they don’t see God.   People sing songs of worship, flog themselves in various ways, subject themselves into meditative rituals and sacrifice their time and money willingly to charity all in the name of getting closer to God but still they complain: where is God?  I don’t see Jesus!  How on earth can I set my eyes on the LORD and be free from the devil’s snare?

The people from above are missing the point.  They are sincere folks but they are looking for Christ at the wrong places.  Let us try reading the verse backwards shall we?  Maybe we can see it in a different perspective and understand it more.  All of us want to be free from the devil’s snares.  In order for that to happen, we should have our eyes ever on the LORD.  Going further back to the beginning of the verse; for us to set our eyes ever on the LORD, we should know and be reminded by God of our covenant with Him.  So what the verse simply means is that the ticket to Salvation, of being free from the snare is to be conscious of our covenant with God!  And this, we can only do by reading THE CONTRACT we have with God which contains our covenant with Him and that is THE BIBLE.

Even the apostles who were right in front of Jesus weren’t able to find and see Jesus apart from The Scriptures. -Luke 24:13-35

We cannot find and know The Lord Jesus in ourselves.  All honest people who engage in introspective practices will tell you that you cannot find anything in human consciousness but junk.  We cannot find The Lord Jesus through our works.  God knows nothing good can come out of us.  We definitely cannot and will not find Jesus from crazy preachers who have never opened the Scriptures.  Like the apostles’ experience at the Emmaus road (Luke 24:13-35), we can only see Jesus in The Bible!  Don’t take people’s words for it; read the Bible for yourself and God Himself will reveal to you the secrets of His Kingdom.  He shall reveal to you His Son, Jesus Christ.  And when Jesus is inside you, you shall be free from every snare.

‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ (Jeremiah 33:3)