tumblr_ms9q9lZZyS1rn0oofo1_500But will God really dwell on earth with men? The heavens, even the highest heavens, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built! 2 Chronicles 6:18

Even the highest heavens cannot contain you…

Sometimes, a revelation of God’s love for us can be known through a revelation of God’s supremacy.  It is argued whether a 2-month-old baby really loves his own mother or whether the baby simply needs the mother for his survival.  This is why developmental theorists such as John Bowlby dare not use the word ‘love’ when describing the mother-baby relationship.  The mother loves her own baby, there is no doubt on that; but from the baby’s perspective to the mother, instead of ‘love’ the word ‘attachment’ is used.  The baby is securely attached to the mother.

Can we really say we love oxygen or water? Or are we simply dependent on them that whether we love air or not, we simply have to admit that we cannot live without them?  Are you glad that we don’t have to have these doubts when it comes to our Father’s love? Do you have the slightest thought in your mind that The Creator of heaven and earth needs anything from us?  Do you think that He is loving us right now because He needs our worship and attention? NEVER.

What are our million dollar charitable acts or masochistic sacrifices to The One who created, saved and owns everything?  To be really honest, all our acts and offerings amount to nothing to The One Most High.  Who are we to think that our ‘charitable’ (and often hypocritical) acts can actually mean anything to God’s highest standards?

After establishing that we are far less than grasshoppers according to His standards, what then is the reason that God still dwells in us?  The answer to this question was provided by His Son Himself, Jesus Christ who proclaimed:

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

The apostle John goes on in his letters:

GOD IS LOVE. (1 John 4:8)

The Creator and Saviour of the universe, The most powerful being above all creation and beyond loves us not because we are worthy, not because we are good, and definitely not because we are obedient.  God loves us simply because HE IS LOVE.

We don’t deserve any of it but Jesus Christ died for you and for me.  Even before His cross, God already loved us – unconditionally.


* Image taken from Tumblr