True Grace will Produce Love

what-is-faith“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14

The death of Jesus Christ on the cross made it possible for us to come to God and call Him: Father! (Romans 8:15)  This new found relationship with God, which no other creature in all of creation can have (save those covered by the blood of our Lord Jesus), will make us want to love God more.  I am saying this because there are people out there who misinterpret the Grace of God and condemn people who want to glorify God of self-righteousness.

The writer of Psalm 19 was actually king David.  In Psalm 19 alone, king David spoke of God’s glory and supremacy (v1-6), God’s perfection (v7) and God’s forgiveness (v12-14).   All I can say is wow!  David is really someone with a great revelation of God! He knows that God is all loving and He knows that God is all forgiving.  David was very much close to God’s heart that He even caught a glimpse of The Son, Jesus Christ, that the Holy Spirit led him to call Him “my Rock and my Redeemer” (Did you notice the capitalized letters? Yes, king David had the greatest honor of knowing Jesus Christ).  Did his revelation of grace make David a lazy person?  No! In fact, from his prayer to The LORD, it shows that David desired to serve God more!

Faith without works is dead. (James 2:20)

True grace will produce love.

David wasn’t serving and loving God in order to earn his righteousness and holiness.  David was serving God because he knows enough to know that God deserves all the honor, praise and glory!  Perverted grace will condemn us for serving God.  True grace will transform us from useless wretches to kings and champions to glorify the name of Jesus Christ!


* Image taken from Google Images