Building Each Other Up

Romans 15:2 “Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up.”

Our job for our neighbors is to ‘build him up.’  As brothers and sisters in Christ, we are not here to exploit one another, hurt one another or put each other down.  As people whom Christ died for, we honor His sacrifice by loving one another in order to build each other up.  The sad thing is that today, people judge and condemn one another thinking that shaming others would make them change for the better.  That is not The Lord’s way.   The Lord’s way is to edify by ‘pleasing his neighbor’.  To be more accurate, the Greek structure of that phrase is: ‘to find approval for his neighbor.’ The way to edify others is to remind them that God approves of them.

When I am down, I want people to remind me of what I have in Christ.  I want people to remind me how the Son of God came down from heaven to die for me.  I want people to remind me that even though I messed up big time that Jesus Christ still approves of me.  This is what The Lord means by building each other up.