Christianity is All about Jesus (not Christians)

Jesus Christ

            In counselling, I have encountered people who hated God and Christianity all because of one or few ‘Christians’ who hurt them.  I cannot give concrete examples without offending some people around me, so, I would simply say that there are a good number of people who have confronted me and have confided their sentiments that: “Christianity is a lie because of the way Christians around me behave.” Sounds familiar? Again, I stress that there are a good number of people who ‘complained’ to me.  So, in case you are wondering, this article is not written to target you.

I just want to stress that Christianity is not about Christians and it is not about ‘Christian living.’  Instead, Christianity is all about Jesus Christ.  That He, being The Son of The Most High God, loves us so much that He came down to earth to save us from our sins by dying on the cross (John 3:16).  Yes, He loves us all unconditionally, and this love cannot be proven to be a lie just because some people around us who claim to be ‘Christians’ live as sinners.  Just as the apostle Paul expressed:

What if some were unfaithful? Will their unfaithfulness nullify God’s faithfulness? Not at all! Let God be true, and every human being a liar.

-Romans 3:3-4


Truth is found in God’s word and not in the actions of men.  Jesus will always love you and His love for you and His Righteousness is NOT dependent on people’s behavior (Christians and non-Christians alike).  I do not think it is fair as it is not even logical for the imperfect followers of Christ to be made the representatives of the truths of The Perfect One, Christ Jesus.  It will be like judging the wealth of king Solomon by counting the shillings in his pocket.

Yes, I stand by my description that Christians are not perfect (far from it!).  As what the Bible says: NO ONE IS RIGHTEOUS (Romans 3:9-18).  And this is why we need the cleansing blood of The Lord Jesus Christ!  It was Christ Himself who said that “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners” (Mark 2:17).  We are all sinners and that is why we need Him to come down from heaven to save us!  If we are already sinless and perfect, we would no longer need a Saviour to die in our place.

Sick people need a doctor. Sinners need a Saviour.

All of us are in the process of transformation from glory to glory and all of us are in different levels of this transformation. We can’t accuse others of being imperfect as we can’t claim to be perfect by ourselves.  Don’t give up on Christianity because of hurtful and sinful ‘Christians’.  Instead, set your eyes on The One who will never fail, will never hurt, and will never disappoint you.  His name is Jesus Christ and He is the only One who can give you the love and the life that you are longing for.



* Image taken from Google Images