Rejoice! Jesus is Here!

in-you-Lord-my-God-I-put-my-trust-christian-wallpaper-hd_1366x768Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”

When we are in The Lord Jesus Christ and He in us, there is absolutely no reason for us to fear or to despair.  Although let us not condemn ourselves for behaving like the apostles during the great storm (Mark 4:38).  I guess from time to time our flesh forgets Who The Lord really is.  During times of stormy stress, even the apostles, great men who walked with Christ Himself, forgot WHO Jesus really was.  If only they beheld the love and glory of Jesus Christ, their hearts wouldn’t fear anything, not even the storm.  Secondly, they wouldn’t be surprised that even the winds and the waves obey Christ (Mark 4:41).

When Jesus is around, there’s only one thing to do: REJOICE! There is no need to hide because of guilt, there is no need to despair because of hopelessness, and there is absolutely no reason to fear anything!  The Hope of Glory (Colossians 1:27) is in you; The One who has shed His blood on the cross placed you in the secret place of The Most High! If Jesus is on board your life, what makes you think your boat will sink?!  What makes you think He will allow any of the devil’s devices to work on us?  We belong to Him, The Jealous God (Exodus 34:14), and He will share us with no one.

What good news to start the week! Rejoice! Jesus is in our boat! No way will it sink.