Yes, the Lord God still judges us based on who we are (heart and mind) and our conduct (what we do). As what Jesus Christ said, He didn’t come done to do away with God’s law but to fulfill it (Matthew 5:17). God’s judgment is still the same, holy and righteous as it was ever before. The only difference is that we, people of the new covenant, are hidden safely inside the secret place of the Most High – Jesus Christ.
People who reject Christ are exposed to God’s judgment and are judged by God’s holy law for their own thoughts and actions; God forbid, our hearts are deceitful and are beyond cure. Without Jesus Christ, we are but fallen sinners and we deserve nothing less than death.
This should give us all the reason to be covered by the blood of Jesus Christ! Because Jesus Christ 2000 years ago bore all our sins and He was judged, condemned and crucified with it. We believers of Christ are in the heart of Jesus and He is in us. Therefore, whoever Jesus is, that is how The Father sees us and whatever Jesus has done is credited to us by our Father in heaven. So yes, the law’s judgment is still prevalent over our heads, but thank God for His Son Jesus Christ who paid for all our punishment! Today, God’s law and judgment see us as righteous as Jesus Christ is!
As He is, so are we in this world! (1 John 4:17)
* Image taken from Google Images