His Words are Life!

Word of God

Matthew 4:4 “Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”

Jesus is telling us to bring the word of God back to the centre of our lives.  Jesus as the Creator knows best.  The true source of our life and meaning lies in His word, not on the distractions of the world.  Does it really matter if you are a millionaire if you have Jesus Christ in you?  The reason why people are not happy these days is that they have forgotten the centrality of Jesus Christ in their lives.  We rather spend our time at work chasing needless deadlines or worrying about things we cannot control.  This is what the devil wants.  Christ was just in the desert spending His time with The Father when the devil had to distract Him by reminding Him that He has to eat because He is hungry.  Did it really matter to Christ that He was hungry?  No, but the devil tried to make The Lord worry about His hunger.  This is the same story we see in our daily lives.  The devil will do his best to distract us and tell us what we should be doing and worrying about when in fact all we have to do is to be with Jesus!  Whether it’s talking to Him, reading about Him, hearing about Him or worshiping Him; this is what we are created to do and this is what will give life to us!

The WORDS I have spoken to you ARE SPIRIT and they ARE LIFE!

-Jesus Christ (John 6:63)

* Image taken from Google Images